We're all ready for a change. We are excited about something that will LiFT our heads after an overwhelming year. Ready for God to move again after seeing how badly the world needs Him. We're ready for God to Make All Things New. As we fast together, we are joined by thousands all over the globe to come together at the start of the year in the pursuit of all things Jesus.
What's powerful is our midweek prayer nights, Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday from 7-8pm. We hope you'll join us. We'll worship together, pray individually, and pray corporately. You don't have to have any prior prayer skills to join us, and you won't be put on the spot. But if you're looking to connect with God, learn more about prayer, or intercede for others, we want you to join us as often as you can! We meet at LiFT Church (2410 N. Salisbury Blvd, Salisbury, MD 21804) right next to Harley Davidson across the street from the mall. Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday are our live worship team and pastors leading. It will be a powerful week of connecting with God.